Monday, June 21, 2010

What is the difference between the Windows OEM Vista and the normal Windows Vista?

Is there any?

What is the difference between the Windows OEM Vista and the normal Windows Vista?symatec

OEM (Original Equipment Manafacturer) is provided from you Hardware vendor and may contain special drivers or software needed to install the OS on you computer. Normal or Vanilla version is the one provided from Microsoft and does not contain the additional drivers

What is the difference between the Windows OEM Vista and the normal Windows Vista?vista

The actual software on these disks is the same. The difference is that an OEM disk has some restrictions. It can only be loaded to one system. It can not be transfered to a second system if the first system crashes. And there is more. But, like I said, the functionality of the two is the same.

OEM applications are those that are built for folks who manufacture computers. They take the OEM app and add all of there advertising and what ever before installation.

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